Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ship Life So far

Life on this ship is actually way cooler than I thought it would be. I thought it would be boring, with not much to do, but that is not the case. Because we don’t have internet or tv or phone or anything, we are forced to make our own fun. I love this. Some times I’ll just hang out and talk at the piano bar, or I love spending time out on the 7th deck by the pool. I meet the coolest people by just walking around talking to people. I have class every day until 13:30, and then I have the rest of the day I have free to do whatever. I have homework, but not a ton yet. A lot of reading to do though! The water has been pretty rough today and last night, and a lot of people are pretty sea sick. I am one of the few lucky ones who don’t get sea sick one bit. Things were flying across rooms last night it was so crazy, and I was just fine. It rocked me to sleep like a little baby. I love it! It’s funny to watch people walk though, everyone looks extremely drunk.
        Yesterday when people were starting to get back onto the ship, a lot of people were pretty intoxicated, so I couldn’t tell if they were walking like that because of the ship rocking or because of the rum. Hahaha So I was sitting in the piano bar with Kayla and this guy walked up and asked if we minded if he played the piano for a little while. I couldn’t tell if he was serious, or if he was just going to go bang on some keys.  We told him that of course we didn’t mind. He went over to the piano and Kayla and I continued our conversation. To our surpise, this kid is like freaking MOZART. Most incredible piano playing I have ever heard. I turned around and just stared for like ten minutes. I was legit melting.  When he was done playing, he came over and sat down with us. He introduced himself and asked where we were from. CRAZY STORY: we go to school like 5 mins away from each other. His name is Hasan and he is the most amazing piano player I have ever heard.
        I love moments like these,  meeting such interesting people just because no one knows anyone so everyone is so open. Ok, dinner time! Email me to keep in touch: lcsutherland@semesteratsea.net

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