Monday, January 31, 2011

Day three and four.

Day three/four:

        We woke up around 1:00 and got ready for the day. Caue’s mom, Solange, made us Brazil’s typical dish: Feijoada. We ate a ton of it, and relaxed for a little while. It rained for most of the afternoon, so we stayed in with Caue and his family. Luma, his sister, taught us how to make brigadeiro… the most delicious chocolate desert. Later, Luma and her boyfriend Renato took us to eat ice cream. We tried some strange flavors. Alexa had corn flavored… that was the most interesting! On our way back to Caue’s, this guy heard us speaking English and was like “Americans?!?!” His name was Brent and he was studying abroad in Sao Paulo. He happened to live right next door to Caue, so we made plans to meet up at the Pub on their street a little later. We ended up hanging out with him that night and the whole next day.
        That night, we got all dressed up and went to this amazing place called Skye Bar. It is a rooftop bar with a 360 degree view of the city. It was very “posh” as Renata says. (yes, by now you’ve realized that there are a million Renato’s and one Renata, it’s hard to keep up, I know! Hahah) So we were up there, drinking our $26R coctails, pretending to have money, when we heard and saw two American guys. One of them looked a little familiar, but I always see people that I think look like someone else so I didn’t think anything of it. I was having a conversation with someone else at the time, So Alexa went up and started talking to them.  About 10 minutes later, I went over and introduced myself. Rian and Alex were their names, and they were from Baltimore. We talked for a while when I asked what they were doing in Brazil. They said they were in a band playing a few shows in Sao Paulo. “Anyone I would know?” I asked.  “Uhm… maybe…” Rian said. “Well what’s your name?” “All Time Low.”
        Let’s just say that I kept my cool on the outside, but was FREAKING out on the inside. Caue and I had just been listening to them before going out that night! What are the chances! I have loved them for a while… and to meet them randomly on a rooftop in Brazil… CRAZY. So we hung out with them for a while, and a few more of the band members came up and introduced themselves. Later on, we went back to our group and silently freaked out. After about 5 minutes, I realized that the lead singer, Alex Gaskarth (whom I’ve been in love with for years. I’m determined to marry him… I promise haha) was sitting directly across from me. He was talking to people, so I didn’t want to bother him. Brent finally talked me into going up to him at the end of the night, and I had an awesome conversation with him! He was really interested in SAS and just really sweet overall. He kissed me on the cheek twice (we were in Brazil, that’s what you do! Haha) and we said our goodbyes!
        So overall, it was an amazing amazing night!  We headed back at around 2, and just talked for a few hours before going to sleep. The next morning, Babi (another Brazilian friend) was going to take us around the city because Caue had to work again. So we said our goodbye’s to Caue, which is always really hard for me, and then explored the city with Babi and Brent. We shopped around, got lunch at the city market, and then headed back to pack up and get to the airport.
        Interesting fun fact about Sau Paulo: Not everyone can drive every day. If your lisence plate ends with a certain number, you can’t drive past a certain time on a certain day. This day happened to be the day that Solange (Caue’s mom) couldn’t drive. So we said our goodbyes at the apartment and took a very expensive cab ride all the way to the airport. We met a few other SAS kids coming back from Rio at the airport, so one of the guys, Adam, got a cab back to the ship with us so we weren’t two girls traveling alone at night through Manaus! It helped with the cab cost too! Alexa and I scratched the idea of going out with everyone on the last night in Manaus because we were so exhausted and it was pretty late.  I went back to the cabin and waited for Gina to get back from Rio to hear all her stories, and then we went to sleep finally!

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