Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bahamas day two: Jan 8th, 2011.

It’s the morning of day three, and I’m loving the Bahamas. I still can’t believe I’m walking around in shorts and a tank… in January! So amazing! So yesterday I woke up pretty early and waited for the boys to get up to start our day. When everyone was up, we decided to go walk around and see the straw market. It was pretty crowded, but very cool! We didn’t really stop and shop, we just walked straight through to the back, to get to the water where all the ships are docked. It was the first time I was seeing the water in the daylight, and I was in absolute awe. It is the most beautiful aqua color, I just want to jump in and live in it! We were walking alone and found this glass bottom boat tour, and decided it would be a fun idea. It was a small boat, and it took us around paradise island, showing us all the famous people’s house. We saw Oprah’s house, Mick Jagger (I think), Tom Cruise… just crazy famous people. When we were out there, Tom told us that he has actually been on Tom Cruise’s yacht, with Tom Cruise… insane! The tour guide’s name was Angelo, and he was a pretty cool guy. At one point, he stopped the boat and put the anchor down and started feeding the fish. We saw some awesome fish, a lot of snappers (the kind we ate the other night…) Tom and Bruno decided it was a good idea to jump in and swim under the glass bottom so that we could take pics of them with the fish. I was so envious, I wanted to jump in so badly but I didn’t have my suit and I hate being in wet clothes. They said the water was amazing. When we were out there, we saw a whole different side of the island that we would really love to explore. A few of us (depending on how much money we have left!) want to rent scooters and go find some back roads and explore! We all decided that we’d try to do one cool thing a day, so that we weren’t blowing all our money in one spot. I swear I feel like I’m going to be broke before I even get on the ship! It’s really just the food that I hate paying for though, I can’t wait to get on the ship and not have to spend money to eat! So after the boat, we walked around for a while, and then came back for a bit and relaxed in the room. We met up with Kayla and then went to spend some time on the beach. I got sucked into THE ultimate tourist trap and got my hair braided. I feel so silly and I feel like I look so weird. The guys say it looks awesome though, so I’ll take their word for it and leave them in for a few days at least. After the beach, the boys went to buy some wine and then we all hung out on the rooftop deck talking and having some wine. We left to get dinner at this really good Bahamian fast food place down the street (we’re going for cheap!) and then hung out some more on the roof. We had an awesome time just talking and laughing and getting to know one another. Bruno still cracks us all up. He blames any kind of weird thing on “it’s a cultural thing.” It’s so funny when he chimes in with his little “bruno-ism’s” We’ve all decided that we are going to make a movie about Bruno and all the funny things he says. It’s going to be called “Bruno liiiikes this.” After a while of hanging out on the roof, we all went to walk Kayla back to her hotel and then Tom and Alex went to a local bar, and Ben and I went to go sit by the water. We ended up staying there for a few hours just talking about literally everything. When we got back to the room it was 3am and Tom and Alex had just gotten back too. I slept really well last night, but woke up pretty early again! I wish I could sleep in here!

All in all, yesterday was a great day. You know, it hasn’t quite hit me that this is real. I am really in the Bahamas with people that I have been getting to know over fb or video chatting for almost a year now. Every once in a while I just get chills and I’m like “woah. I am getting on a ship in a few days and living on it for the next 3.5 months… traveling around the earth.” I can’t believe how incredibly lucky I am to have this amazing opportunity.

Ps. I think I need to cut down on the length of my blog posts… do you really want to read all this? hahah


Bri Hand said...

I like the long posts! Keep writing, the blog is awesome :)

Alistair Colling said...

i like the long posts too! can i see your braids? lol