Thursday, July 22, 2010

Update! (and South Africa Ideas)

Hey all! I have a few updates on my upcoming journey that I just thought I'd share! It also helps me to get all my thoughts out, even if they are un-organized, because they are out and concrete and I can organize everything later! So bare with me for a while!

So I have a roommate now, Her name is Gina and she seems like a wicked fun girl! We talk quite a bit, planning out what we want to do and just talking about the trip in general! The coolest thing that we have though, is our list. I'll come up with some clever name for "The List," but it's basically a bucket list for the semester. We have a bunch of stuff that we HAVE to cross off (no excuses!) before the semester ends! Another guy we've been talking to is doing it with us too! The list is short so far, but it's in it's beginning stages! The three of us are coming up with ideas and writing them down! Our first item: Pet a panda. (courtesy of Lalo. hahaha) When the list is done and we are on the ship, I'll post the whole thing!

I haven't had a ton of time to plan things out, but I'm starting to look into things now! I don't want to plan a ton before the ship, but I'm going to make myself some options, and just hold onto all the info I need and make final decisions on the ship. I'll make some plans and set them in stone before the ship, just because I kind of have to, due to limited internet and phone and what-not, but I'm going to be making tons of friends on the ship that have other plans that i will join in on, and I'm hoping friends will jump into my adventures too! So far, the only place that I really have a good amount of ideas is South Africa, but I have seen a few trips that other people (like Tram!) have planned out that I am definitely in on in some other countries!

South Africa Indy Adventure Ideas:

Cage diving with sharks (in Cape Town)
-Price per person: about $180**
(This will probably be more if we have them pick us up at the ship, which they will do if we want!)
- See Here:

Tandem Skydive over Cape Town
-Price per person: about $200**
(Again, probably a bit more if we want pick up and drop off, but I'm thinking, since it's through the same company maybe we could do both of these in one day if anyone is interested in both!)
- See Here:

**Both of the above offer DVD's of your experience for a little extra $$

Visit Robben Island
-I would love to just catch a ferry and wonder around without paying for an actual tour, but I'm not sure if that is possible. I'll figure that out later, but for now:
-Price per person: $26

Wine Tasting
- I haven't figures this one out yet, but Gina and I are definitely going wine tasting!

There are also SAS trips that I want to do, but I'm not putting them here yet because I haven't decided!

I guess that is it for now, I'll probably put up more as I think of more! Comment on here and let me know if you want to join me on anything, or if you have any cool ideas you want to share!


Tram Tran said...

Yay! I'm so excited :]

Tram Tran said...

I was going to create a bucket list for the semester too!

Lilly Sutherland said...

The bucket list just adds more excitement! hahah We aren't doing a ton of things that are specific to a place, just so we don't live our whole semester based around this thing, and so that we can go our separate ways if we want in the countries... but still fun things that we can do in many different places! (And some specific to countries... like "get crazy in Tokyo" hahaha